Research Laboratory Electrical Apparatus, Ventilation Systems and the Refrigeration Tehnique (LCAVF)
The laboratory is designed to perform researches on improving the operating parameters in real time and the determination of the climatic factors influence upon the electrical equipments characteristics, electrical materials and electrical systems in order to increase the efficiency and the reduction of power consumption.
The major perspectives addressed in the researches performed in this laboratory are:
– Simulation of extreme working conditions (aggressive environment, dust, high temperature, cold, high acidity, etc.) at which equipments / electrical materials and dielectric materials may be exposed;
– Simulation and experimentation regarding the influence of the climatic factors upon conductive and dielectric materials in order to determine their in-time behaviour;
– Studies regarding the determination of the in-real time operating parameters depending on climatic factors for the equipments and electrical machines, and some solutions that allow adaptation of the electrical equipment to working environment and its optimal functioning;
– Study regarding the operation for ventilation and air filtration systems in order to establish a reduction of the amount of dust and chemical agents in the surrounding environment, resulted from production processes, in order to reduce the negative effects and to ensure the optimal working conditions;
– The design, testing and realization of the airconditioning systems, respectively ventilation and filtration, with custom design in accordance to the requirements of the business environment.